Readergirl Sleeping © William Henderson-Moore
1. FOCUS ON YOUR BREATHING: Meditation and yoga have the power to change DNA, and can transform stress;
2. FOCUS ON YOUR INTENTION: What do you need to do now to take care of yourself?
3. CALL SOMEONE: Say, “I need help. Talk me down.”
4. IDENTIFY THE CORE EMOTION RISING: Fear, shame, feeling bullied, anger;
5. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE: Ask - What do I need to release in order to get back to center, get back my armor of light, back in my spiritual power?
6. ASK: What is my one next step?
7. DO IT.”
“While we fight, we also need spaces for healing & emotional support.
“If you focus on your breathing, it will bring you out of your mind and back into your body. Just know that you are not alone.”
Credits: Byron Young, MD, Visonary, Michael Brown "Primo Miguel" music, James Woods "Dat yoga Dude" producer/subject, David Philips, Director. Used with permission.